Designer Drugs is the most comprehensive mass spectra collection of designer drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemical warfare agents and related substances. The Designer Drugs database (DD2022) covers the entire range of known designer drugs and related substances up to December 2021. Carefully compiled by mass spectral experts at the Regional Departments of Criminal Investigation in Kiel, Hamburg, and Wiesbaden, Germany, this database includes 32.855 mass spectra of 25.825 chemical compounds with detailed information and chemical structures for each entry.
Designer Drugs includes data taken from both legal and underground literature, providing the most comprehensive picture of these compounds. This database is a must have for analytical chemists in forensic, clinical or toxicological laboratories supporting law enforcements authorities with their services.
Designer Drugs Online additionaly provides access to the latest mass spectra of designer drugs occured on the market during the year 2022. Designer Drugs Online allows instant access to the newest findings of our laboratories.
Since 2008 an increasing number of synthetic cannabimimetics flooded the market getting popular under the name ‘legal highs’ as legal alternatives to cannabis. The proliferation of cannabimimetics is unprecedented in the annals of designer drugs and today synthetic cannabinoids belong to the major abused drug class in many countries. The rapid rising number (roughly 5-10 times more in the last ten years) of unknown compounds confronts the forensic scientists and law enforcement agencies with a nearly insolvable problem. Between seizure, first analysis and a more detailed analysis and interpretation of the results can elapse weeks. Even with the support of more powerful instrumentation it is often not possible to keep pace.
This situation was motive to evaluate the literature and generate a collection of molecular and basic pharmacological data for a convenient survey of the numerous compounds acting at cannabinoid receptors.
The data collection Molecular and Pharmacological Review of Cannabimimetics with over 3.000 entries is available as local binary database with immediate effect.
Read more about the data collection and make use of the special price offering (available for a limited time only).
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